Museum Hanging Systems
Museum and Gallery Hanging Systems
Systems and Soultions for hanging Art in Museum, Galleries, and Institutions.
Museum Hanging Systems
There are a number of options for hanging artwork in museums, galleries or even in private spaces. The first thing to consider is if the artwork will be changed on a regular basis. If that is the case and if you do not want to repair and patch the walls every time than you will want to consider a hanging system where you can move the artwork up and down and left and right without having to attach it directly to the walls. Art Display Essentials offers hanging systems that have a number of track options. The first is a typical H-track that mounts to the surface of wall and has an optional white cover to make it look like trim. The Flushmount track is an option where the track is built into the wall. This is usually done before the wall board is installed. When installed, the track is flush with the wall and has a seamless look integrating it nicely with the building. The final option is the C-track that attaches to the ceiling. Each of these track options have options for how the art is hung. They are steel cables and steel rods. The steel rods will hold the most weight. The steel cables are less noticeable than the rods but not as strong. These rods and cables, can be moved to the left and right in the track. There are hook options that can move up and down the rods and cables. This gives options for the artwork to be hung at any point on the wall.
These hanging systems are unique and have been designed to deal with all sizes and weights of artwork for a wide variety of installation needs. These are museum grade systems created for their strength, security, and ease of use for the world’s leading institutions to the smallest private galleries.
These products are flexible, discrete, integrated (they will work with each other) and will carry heavier loads than other hanging systems.
This system can be seen here:
Fixed and Security Hangers
If the flexibility of moving the art around is not needed than there are options for a more fixed approach. We offer the Ryman hanger which is their most popular solution for hanging artwork and is used by an international body of galleries both large and small that includes The Tate, Getty and MoMA.
These are designed to attach artwork tight to the wall with no visible hardware, they are easy to install, allow for adjustment, and have a choice of three levels of security. There are three sizes available that will handle artwork from the smallest etchings and water colors right up to large flat backed works weighing up to 280 lbs.
We offers the Link Hanger for mounting bigger works with old, large, or rebated frames. This is a very popular solution for hanging larger works of art and has been designed to accommodate both rebated and flat backed frames. The “link” provides an immensely strong support between wall and frame and automatically bridges the gap that is so often found on older heavy artwork with large frames.
The Link Hanger has a “bronzed” finish that blends with the shadows behind the artwork and incorporates measures to improve security allowing for adjustment during installation.
These can be seen here:
Custom Wall Mounts and Displays
Sometimes customized wall mounts are required such as for articulated japanese screens, large mosaics, swords, fire arms, textiles, brackets and other specialized wall mounts. 10-31 Inc. has been fabricating custom wall mounts for over 30 years. For more information on custom mount options you can go to their web site here:
Wall mounts for mosaics:

Wall mounts on curved wall:

Wall mounts in cases:

Wall mounts for plates:

Wall mounts for weathervanes:

Wall mounts for fire arms:

Wall mounts for Japanese screen: